Over the past two weeks, our team has traveled thousands of miles by plane, car, and train to partner with many missionaries and pastors across three countries. They provided special music in English, French, and Italian in four different churches and distributed many thousands of Gospel tracts and copies of Scripture. We know that only eternity will tell the full impact of this trip. We thank God for the opportunity to have been involved in His work in Europe. Each team member has written a brief testimony about their time on this trip and how God worked.
Carlos Alvarez
“One of the greatest blessings of this trip was the opportunity to work closely with national pastors and leaders in a harmonious and unified way. I learned to respect their opinions and the fact that they know more than we do about reaching their own people. Organizing this trip with Didier Silberstein was a pleasure – as you can see, we work very well together.”
-Carlos Alvarez (Natural Sciences faculty at PCC)

Sammy Alvarez

“My parents are first generation Christians and was able to grow up in a Christian home. I was saved at 13 however I never put God first in my life. Throughout the years, I had lived a lifestyle that was not pleasing to God and ended up hurting a lot of people. Things kept getting worse and by the time January of this year came, I was at my lowest point of my life, and I had no purpose of living and was at the edge. Thank God for one of the only friends I had left, Daniel, who encouraged me to go back home to Florida, get help and turn back to Christ. After about 3 months of counseling and getting the necessary help I needed, I can say God has changed my life and has put me in a position to help others who have been in my situation. I still battle some temptations, but I feel so much better and can only thank the Lord. I hope my testimony is an encouragement to you and just remember if God can change someone like me, then He can help you.”
-Sammy Alvarez (History graduate from PCC)
Haley Brewer
“This missions trip was such a blessing to me! Getting to fellowship with believers from different cultures was such an amazing experience. I pray that the Lord will continue to work in hearts and lives through the tracts that we were able to distribute.”
-Haley Brewer (SR, Advertising and Public Relations Major from PCC)

Jonah Cannon

“As a recent graduate from PCC, I was excited to be chosen as a member of the mission trip as my first trip overseas. It was such a blessing to witness the way in which God worked out the details that allowed me to go. The hand of God continued to be seen throughout. The team was able to create a special bond. The time in France was my favorite because of the impactful experiences and testimonies surrounding the D-Day anniversary. We definitely have made relationships that will continue after the mission trip has ended.”
-Jonah Cannon (2023 Interdisciplinary Studies graduate of PCC)
Maggie Cannon
“Preparing for this trip, there were so many emotions! I had never been out of the country before, and I did not really know most of the people I would be spending every minute of the day with. But by the conclusion of this trip, I can say without a doubt I would sign up again: the family I have gained, the people we have reached, the countless worship sessions, late night walks and talks, the never-ending football games, and all the laughs this team has brought. I can’t say it was easy the whole time, finding a bathroom in Europe is an experience all on its own, but My Almighty Creator, My Lord God has been ever so gracious and loving and I have truly felt his hand of protection throughout this entire trip!”
-Maggie Cannon (2024 Elementary Education graduate from PCC)

Johnny Cashman

“This trip was my first missions trip and first time out of the country. I did not know what to expect or how the language barrier would affect our outreach, but God showed me that it doesn’t matter if I can’t speak their language and witness to them right on the spot; God can use tracts we passed out or the concert we hosted months or even years down the road to change lives! This team and these leaders were just what I needed. A group of believers coming together for a common goal: to reach the world for Christ!”
-Johnny Cashman (SR Pre-Physical Therapy major at PCC)
Haley Clark
“This missions trip has really made me realize how Christians can come together despite the language barrier. We got to fellowship and tell other people the gospel, as well as meet new people. Seeing all of these missionaries that gave up everything and moving across the country to serve God really made an impact on my life.”
-Haley Clark (High school student at Santa Rosa Christian School)

Michael Colucci

“What left the biggest impression on me is how easily I was able to connect with other Christians despite the language barrier. We sometimes forget that the church is one body that is unified through Jesus Christ. This trip reinforced this truth in my mind. It was encouraging to fellowship with other Christians, all of whom I have never met, but because we all worship the same God, we were able to come together and accomplish great things.”
-Michael Colucci (JR Computer Science major at PCC)
Bee Ditmore
“This missions trip has really opened my eyes. It has also given me a new appreciation for music. It is amazing how people from different cultures that speak different languages can come together and worship the same God. I also really enjoyed being able to see so many different people from other cultures and witness to them despite the language barrier.”
-Bee Ditmore (High school student at Santa Rosa Christian School)

Nicole Fisher

“This mission trip was very memorable. It made me appreciate Christianity in America and the easy access we have. We can Google churches and we can find hundreds in the state, while other countries may only have ten, and they have such a passion to serve God and grow. It was great to meet many new people and get to know them. They may have a completely different culture and language but they still serve the same God I do. They clearly have a servant’s heart to serve God, and this inspires me also to have more of a servant heart.”
-Nicole Fisher (SR Criminal Justine major at PCC)
Dustin Furman
“This missions trip was amazing. Knowing no other team member coming in, I was a bit apprehensive to sign up, but I’m glad I did. God has done many amazing things on this trip by building new relationships and allowing us to come together and spread His Gospel in both France and Italy. God is so good, and He has shown His grace and power all throughout this trip. I am thankful to have been a part of this work and to now know many others who are also a part of the body of Christ.”
-Dustin Furman (2024 Pastoral Ministries graduate from PCC)

Cassie Garcia

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time the two weeks we were on this missions trip! This trip has given me a better appreciation for music and singing. Whether it was through spontaneous singing after dinner or singing at the youth rally, I truly saw the love that all of us young people had for God. Even though there was a language barrier, we were all still able to sing and praise God together! I will truly never forget the experiences I had on this trip and I will cherish every moment!”
-Cassie Garcia (2024 Pre-Medicine graduate from PCC)
Kayla Gerrard
“One thing that stuck out to me on this missions trip was the goodness of our God. We saw God graciously provide many times during circumstances throughout the trip. We took a moment to pray during difficult times and trusted that He would work everything out for good.
This makes me excited to keep praying and to see what God can do in the lives of the thousands of people we handed the Gospel to.”
-Kayla Gerrard (SR Business Management major from PCC)

Caleb Harner

“I love history, and it was really neat to see so many historic sites like Normandy, Paul’s prison, and some cathedrals. It was sad to see so many churches in Rome since they are used more like museums. I knew that Europe was growing very cold to Christianity, but it was encouraging to walk around with the pastors and to hear about the history of Protestantism. France and Italy used to have a lot more Christians than I realized which gives me hope that the Gospel can once again bring revival. This trip has helped me to see how large yet untapped the European mission field is.”
-Caleb Harner (2024 Mechanical Engineering graduate from PCC)
Jenny Harner
“I’m so grateful that the Lord gave me the opportunity to go with YOM to France and Italy. Connecting with fellow believers in Europe and partnering in ministry with them was a blessing that greatly benefitted my study of missions.”
-Jenny Harner (JR Missions major from PCC)

Heather Hartkopf

“On this trip, we saw the truth of Proverbs 16:9 – “A man’s heart deviseth his way: But the Lord directeth his steps.” We originally planned a completely different missions trip, but God had a much better plan. Organizing an evangelistic concert was far outside of our expertise and experience, yet God orchestrated every detail for a truly wonderful outreach. I am so thankful for each team member and their willingness to serve. I am also thankful for the many ministry leaders who hosted us and shared their burden to reach Europe with the Gospel. To God be the glory for the great things He did as a result of this trip!”
-Heather Hartkopf (Nursing Department Chair at PCC)
David Larson
“Throughout the entire missions trip, countless prayers were answered. The least we can do is praise the LORD for everything He has done. Throughout every step from the small travel plans to language barriers and even to surgery, it is truly amazing how God has worked through each of us on this missions trip.”
-David Larson (JR Finance major from PCC)

Isabella McCoy

Isabella McCoy (SR Youth Ministries major from PCC)
Noah Montgomery
“Different languages, different cultures, different backgrounds: this trip was full of all of those, but there’s one thing that brought us all together – the unity of Christ. A lot of the fellow believers that we met these weeks were different than us, but we all serve the same God with the same gospel mission and that brought us together. That’s what stuck out to me. Thank you all for your prayers.”
-Noah Montgomery (SO Pastoral Ministries major from PCC)

Seth Nipper

“Going on this missions trip has revealed Europe’s need for the gospel. In Italy and France, we discovered the scarcity of Bible-believing churches, yet found encouragement in the receptiveness of the people there to the tracts we distributed. This experience also showcased the unity among believers, evident in our youth meeting where despite language barriers, we sang and praised together. We had an incredible missions team, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people.”
-Seth Nipper (JR Interdisciplinary Studies major from PCC)
Carryn Oleksy
“On this trip I got to see different ways how God worked. A group of people from different places and with different talents were able to come together with a mission to serve Christ, as believers should. We serve an awesome and powerful God who can use all things for His good (Rom. 8:28).”
-Carryn Oleksy (SR Instrumental Music: Violin major from PCC)

Larry and Maria Pieri

“We had the privilege and joy of joining the PCC Mission team to France. The Lord blessed us in seeing young adults with a heart for service and dedicated in sharing the Gospel with the people in France and Italy. At any given time, they were ready to go, serve and do what was needed. A highlight of our time together was seeing different musical talents being used to share Christ. We thank the Lord for the team leadership and their spirit of cooperation and service.”
-Larry and Maria Pieri (Retired missionaries to France and Italy)
Jonathan Pulfer
“This trip was a real joy, and a wonderful opportunity for communion with young Christians from the other side of the Atlantic!! I am very grateful to have met Pastor Eric Hossack and his wife Élyane in Normandy. It was a blessing to distribute the Gospels in Normandy, but also to visit the D-Day historical sites. In Paris I was particularly encouraged by the youth convention on Saturday June 1st! Please pray for the progress of the gospel in France as the mission field is still very vast! In Rome, I was moved by the reading of 2 Timothy in Paul’s prison. What a grace to hear these verses still resonate today! In short, this trip was a blessing for me, I thank the Lord and the YOM team for being able to participate!”
-Jonathan Pulfer (Mathematics university student from France)

Matthieu Pulfer

“Having already taken part in the missions trip last year, it was a real blessing to be able to take part again this year. I was able to see people I’d seen last year and quickly make new friends too. The bond of the Spirit that unites us in Christ between Americans and French is something that delights and impresses me, whether in worship or simply in everyday life. We’ve had different moments of evangelism, in Normandy, in mailboxes or for the Olympic torch relay and in Italy singing in the street and giving out invitations for the concert. All this encourages me to evangelise in my own city of Marseille. Please pray for all those who received a Gospel of Luke, an invitation with John 3.16 written on it and for all those who came to the concert and heard the Gospel. I am very grateful to the team leaders for the great privilege of being able to take part in this trip.”
-Matthieu Pulfer (Mathematics Master’s student from France)
Telondra Reynolds
“Undoubtedly God sent me on this journey to teach me of His faithfulness, sovereignty, and love. From the moment I first heard about this trip to the time it ended, He has demonstrated what it means to rest in Him and to have the courage to walk in His ways. I cannot thank Him enough for all that He has done in and through our team during these last two weeks.”
-Telondra Reynolds (Business Management graduate from PCC and Christian School Teacher from NC)

Didier Silberstein

Psalm 107:23-24 “They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep.”
“Organizing this project with more than thirty people traveling to two countries, four different sites, and serving with several churches, during a Youth Convention and with a Concert at the end, was to work on great waters. But we have seen the wonders of the Lord Himself! This fills our hearts with joy and praise. How many times has He intervened to resolve seemingly inextricable situations, to replace our plans with His own, a thousand times better… I’ll let our young people give the details, everything went wonderfully, right up to the magnificent concert where many unconverted people have heard the Gospel. Glory to God! As He has proven to us again and we have sung, “He reigns forever!”
-Didier Silberstein (IBJM missionary and pastor from France)
Courtney Skiles
God is so good and I was able to see this in so many ways during this trip. I was reminded of this every time we walked into a cathedral. Those people who do not know God are searching for forgiveness and love in all the wrong places. They are pouring their money and faith into a worthless religion but as Christians, we have direct access to our loving heavenly Father who gave His only son so we can have a relationship with Him. Another way I was able to see His goodness was at the youth meeting that we attended. Many of these young people were first generation Christians and it was encouraging to see the love they had for God. Music was such a large part of this trip and God in his goodness knew the exact moments and songs that our group needed. During these many times of worship my heart was encouraged and reminded of how much God truly loves His people. The final way I saw God’s goodness was in the friendships that came from this trip. God has brought into my life many new Christian friends into my life when I needed it the most and I will thank Him every day for that.
-Courtney Skiles (SR Pre-Physical Therapy major from PCC)

Meg Swank

“This trip has been absolutely amazing and I’m so glad that I was able to be a small part of what God did with this trip. One of my favorite things about this trip was the way we were able to fellowship with fellow believers. Most of our team had never met before we got to the JFK airport, and yet over these two weeks we became good friends and worked together as a team. We met people in France and Italy from local churches and were able to fellowship with them because of our shared belief in Christ. I was able to reunite with friends that I made last year in France and did not know I would see again. I love that we are able to meet believers all over the world and know that they are my family in Christ. This trip was a huge blessing to me, and I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of it.”
– Meg Swank (JR Early Childhood Education major from PCC)
Adam Watt
“I was once again blessed to be a part of a YOM missions teams as a leader. As I shared with the team during our testimony time, the lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposing of it is of the Lord. When the trip was first being planned, other activities and ministry opportunities were to be included, but those plans changed. God wanted us to visit Italy and work with those ministries as well. Although a concert and music ministry weren’t advertised during recruitment for the trip, God had planned for us to have one, and he had already placed many musically-talented students on the team! We were able to watch God use those talents throughout the trip from spontaneous break-out singing sessions to street singing and an organized concert. What a blessing this proved to be as the Gospel was communicated and believers of different languages were united in song. I continually thought about the future of heaven in which a ransomed throng from all tongues and nations will praise our holy God! These heavenly “sneak peaks” were an edification throughout our two weeks. God truly orchestrated and “disposed the lot.”
-Adam Watt (Administrator at Santa Rosa Christian School and Adjunct Faculty at PCC)

Chloé Winter

“This trip was such an eye opener for me. I realized it was much harder to spread the gospel to a first-world country steeped in Catholicism than it is in the jungles of South America. The devil worked hard to hinder our efforts, but God came through every time. I learned that if you’re willing to relinquish control, God will make your mess something beautiful in His time.”
-Chloé Winter (2024 Pre-Pharmacy graduate from PCC)
Josh Wright
“I have appreciated the opportunity to go on this missions trip. I have learned to value the time spent with fellow believers in Christ.”
-Josh Wright (2024 History graduate from PCC)

Thank you to each of you who have faithfully prayed and given to make this trip possible. We truly appreciate each of you for holding the ropes and supporting our team in ministry in Europe. God has done great things, and we extend our deep gratitude for your part in the work!