Today, our team arrived back in New York City. God was gracious – we had a safe and smooth flight across the Atlantic. Everyone and their luggage arrived safely.
After we passed through immigration and border control, most of our team members headed off to catch connecting flights back home. Because our flight landed later in the afternoon, some will not fly out until tomorrow morning.
The Lord allowed us to make a really neat connection for this last bonus night of the mission trip. Dr. Alvarez connected with the Iglesia Bautista Fundamental de Bay Shore in Long Island. This church was such a blessing to us. They sent two of their church buses to collect us from the airport and gave us a place to stay in their church’s prophet’s chamber.

This church is a thriving Spanish church with a very diverse congregation. We met people from all over Mexico, Central America, and South America, as well as New York natives. For their evening service, they invited Dr. Alvarez to preach. After he preached, our team sang “Behold Our God” and Jenny Harner shared her testimony with Dr. Alvarez translating.

After church, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of Honduran baleadas prepared by women of the church. We will stay overnight in the guest house before heading to the airport tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your faithful prayers throughout this trip! God’s good hand of blessing has been evident at every step.