Today’s update is from Johnny Cashman, a senior Pre-Physical Therapy student at Pensacola Christian College.
After a restful night following the jet lag that we all experienced after the red eye flight the night before, we woke up and got ready for breakfast. The meal consisted of chocolate croissants and baguette YUM along with coffee, hot chocolate, and water. Fun fact: in France, at breakfast you are to drink coffee out of a bowl not a mug. The coffee here is stronger and so flavorful.

Following the delicious breakfast, we practiced music for the different events coming up. We worked hard on it for almost two hours and then packed up duffle bags to get ready to head to Normandy after lunch. Kayla and Carolyn were outside in the garden working hard on their pieces for the concert in Italy we will be performing in next week. Such beautiful music!
After packing up the cars and vans to leave we enjoyed lunch which was a dish of rice with smoked sausage and vegetables, cucumbers with vinaigrette, and brownies for dessert. After each meal, the team works together to wash the dishes and clean up.

In the afternoon, we then began the almost 4-hour drive to the town of Cahagnes, which is outside the area we will be passing out gospel literature. There was rain off and on throughout the day but it turned out to be a beautiful night!

After putting in the address in the GPS and ending up at the wrong spot, we finally were able to find where we were supposed to stay. Wow! It is a beautiful, old house with plenty of room and stunning scenery. What a blessing! Our hosts are Pastor Eric Hossack and his wife Elayne. They have been serving the Lord in full-time pastoral and church ministry since 1984.

After quickly settling in, Mrs. Hossack cooked a meal that consisted of multiple different kinds of delectable quiches, baguette, salad with balsamic dressing, and two different kinds of French cheeses; desert was apple sauce with whipped mascarpone cream (something new for us!) and cakes. Now for some rest overnight so we are fresh to go out and share the gospel to the people of Normandy.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we head out tomorrow to distribute tracts and Gospel literature. Pray with us that God will prepare hearts and protect us as we go out.