Today’s update is from Noah Montgomery, a sophomore Bible major at Pensacola Christian College. Noah not only wrote the update but took most of the photos you will see below.
Today has been a very eventful day, one of both excitement and rest. It is just the first day of the trip which was mostly traveling but even in this first day the Lord has richly and abundantly blessed. By the Lord’s grace, every member of the team made it New York safely and on time for our flight to Paris. Most of us spent time resting in the airport and preparing for the 7-hour flight.
Eventually it came time to leave the states and fly over, thankfully the flight was very smooth and quiet. We made it to the airport a few minutes early and deplaned on the tarmac and bussed to the terminal. Because of this we went through a different area of customs than the main one and got through customs in under 5 minutes, all due to the Lord’s blessing. We had some trouble with getting the proper rental vehicles, but after that was figured out, we headed over to the Maison Regnum Christi in Mery-sur-Marne with Pastor Didier Silberstein, our host pastor for this trip. Pastor Silberstein is a national French pastor who works with the International Board of Jewish Missions (IBJM) and has helped us in coordinating our trip.

We had a fantastic lunch of sausage, fruit and sides. After this most all of us took naps to battle the jet lag. For dinner we had homemade pizza and it was absolutely delicious.

After dinner, we had a small service in which we practiced some songs in French, Italian, and English and heard a challenge from Pastor Adam Watt. Something that stuck out to me from his challenge was that we are not called to a mission for ourselves, or one for our glory. But it is the Lord’s mission that we are called to. It is all God’s.

The Lord has blessed us with an excellent facility with plenty of beds and food for us. Pray for us as we continue to travel throughout our trip, but most importantly pray for the gospel mission and that in everything that we do will represent the Lord, and that many souls would be affected for eternity through this trip
Tomorrow, the team will drive to Normandy to meet Pastor Eric Hossack and prepare for ministry with his church.