Today our team members have been coming from across the United States to meet in New York City at the JFK Airport. We have all arrived safely and will fly as a group overnight to Paris, France.

Flight Information: American Airlines AA44
New York City, NY (JFK) to Paris, France (CDG)
Departs 5:55pm EST on Saturday, May 25; Lands 6:55am CEST on Sunday, May 26 (total time 7 hours, 22 minutes)
When we arrive, the team will head to Méry-sur-Marne for some orientation and preparation prior to heading out to Normandy on Monday.
We appreciate your prayers! Please join us in praying for:
- Safety while traveling: we are flying and driving many miles over the course of the next two weeks
- Effectiveness of ministry: we will provide special music and testimonies in churches, distribute tracts and Gospel literature, present an evangelistic concert, host a youth rally, and have many other ministry opportunities in both France and Italy
- Health of our team members: our schedule is busy and we will be in several different climates
- Preparation of hearts: join us in praying for God to prepare the hearts of the many people that we will encounter